If you are a current or prior entrant of any of the Microcosms Contests, we’d like to help promote you!

Multiple book submissions are fine, but one book per form, please. (Books, chapbooks, zines, anthologies, collections, etc., all are okay!)

Please fill out the following submission form to have your book considered for our upcoming promo page. Inclusion is free but not guaranteed.*

Name you write under

Name as it appeared on Microcosms (if different)


Which contest did you enter? (Be specific, but only one is required for verification of eligibility.)

Title of book

Where can it be downloaded/purchased? (Include specific URL or just “Amazon”.)

Amazon ASIN, if applicable (if not, write N/A)

If your book/work is not on Amazon, where can we get a copy of the cover image? Or do we have your permission to download it from the link you provide? N/A if not applicable, please.

What country are you from?

Do you self-identify as being part of one or more of the following marginalized communities? (If we get enough submissions, we’d like to have sections for people interested. Please note that, being American, these will naturally have an American slant. Please let me know if there’s anything you think we should add or if any of the terms used seem to be incorrect.)

Help Us Describe Your Book/Work

Fiction Genre(s)

Non-Fiction Genres


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*We reserve the right to reject and/or remove any book at any time and for any reason, at our sole discretion.