RESULTS – Microcosms 12

Why do you all have to make it so hard on us, huh? Excellent stories this week, all around. 🙂

A HUGE thanks to AJ Walker for helping judge this week! Here’s what he had to say:

Firstly I must say it was the hardest selection I’ve had to do when judging. There were so many stories I thoroughly enjoyed. On another hour I may have picked another set of winners than I have this time. Lovely little folk tales and some dark stuff going on in some of them – talking of dark stuff not a mention of the Paddy’s Day main sponsor!?

Anyway without further ado.

All right, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

Honorable Mentions

Brady Koch – Water Wings

Comments from KM: I like the mystery that’s been incorporated in this story. The horrible torture the pirates inflicted upon that poor fairy was truly terrible, and it’s difficult to feel any sympathy for what happened to them.

Voima Oy – The Color of Water

Comments from KM: Beautiful and creepy. Gorgeous writing.

Bill Engleson – The Case of the Airy Fairy

Comments from AJ: Enjoyable nice light story amongst many more dark. Not sure on the light hearted understanding of word count though! Perhaps it should be a not-so-honourable mention (that’s more words that).

Daisy Warwick – Cursed March

Comments from AJ: This story seemed the most realistic depiction of Paddy’s Day to me. That damn time of the year when the rivers run green and not with water. The idea of a leprechaun looking for citrus fruit to deal with a hangover made me happy (I recommend a pint or two of full fat milk myself).

Runners Up

Leara Morris-Clark – Destiny

Comments from KM: This story is a mystery that is tied up in a neat, little bow. But it also has a strong sense of romance. There’s something sweet and romantic about this story that makes me feel nostalgic for love.

Comments from AJ: This fairy tale about having faith in those fairies was beautifully told. I could see her believing, stepping off the cliff and ….. (probably getting squashed knowing what you lot write).

Bill Engleson – The Case of the Airy Fairy

Comments from KM: This was so close to being chosen as the winner for me. The premise is ingenious, as are the puns, and Bill gives us not one but two possible endings, each equally clever.

Stella Turner – A Stitch in Time

Comments from AJ: Yep it must be love if you’re happy to sew the body parts back together after your other half has done some dastardly deeds to all and sundry thanks to that pesky paranoia. Nice folk tale love story of a decidedly odd couple. One-two-three…Ahhhh!

Favorite Lines

Before we get to our winners, here are my favorite lines from this week.

Graham looked up from the note to Harold’s open palm where there were two long iridescent wings, bloodied at the ends where they’d been ripped off their fairy’s back. – Brady Koch

Swallowing your screams, I slowly sip your soul. – Firdaus Parvez

It simply didn’t pan out. – Bill Engleson

‘Deal. I hate my mother-in-law, can you get rid of her?’ – Avalina Kreska

Between the blades of grass, the color of water. This is the pathway, this is the door. The trees creak, or is it just the sound of the wind passing? – Voima Oy

Stella (Sailor/Private Investigator, Available For Hire!) traced the dotted lines and the X with her left tentacle. – Holly Geely

The merpeople have shown up, which is something. But they remain mute, their arms crossed over their chests. – Sonya

And Jonathan encouraged them, carefully selecting his visitors, allowing himself the pleasure of their company – albeit briefly – before permitting them to indulge their curiosity. – Stephanie Ellis

Where death does not dwell in darkness
But returns to display itself
In the shape of an unquiet soul – Stephanie Ellis

She’d lost count of the amount of faces she’d stitched back together not always getting it right, attaching a man’s ear to his girlfriend or vice versa. – Stella Turner

Sharon swelled her head and spat the bones into the ground. – Geoff Lepard

The fog made it hard to see though I sensed the distance to the ocean below. – Leara Morris-Clark

“No. Ma burfday,” mumbled the intoxicated leprechaun. – Daisy Warwick

I know not who they are and to them I am a will-’o-the-wisp, one of the little people. – Cath Barton

He hugs her tight. His Irish accent almost lost in the wind. – Stephen Shirres

And now, without further ado, I present to you the winners of Microcosms 12.

(insert drumroll here)

Community Pick

Bill Engleson – The Case of the Airy Fairy

The Case of the Airy Fairy

Tuesday, 10:50 a.m.

I followed Tinker Bull from the Malt Ditzy Bar and Grill to the Cruise Ship Malarkey Queen.
She fluttered aboard like a drunken moth and lost me in the crowd.

10:55 a.m.

As per instructions, I secured passage, packed the essentials and boarded.

6:00 p.m.

At 1800 hours, we departed Boston for Dublin by way of Amsterdam.

Wednesday, 6:00 a.m.

I am exhausted. Even though I spent the entire night searching high and low, but mostly high, for Tinker Bull, the winged pixie has evaporated.

6:05 a.m.

As per instructions, I will abandon the chase.

We have been tracking the wrong fairy.

It simply didn’t pan out.

The End

alternate ending
It just simply petered out.

110 light-hearted words plus The End plus the alternate ending
Fairy; ocean; mystery

Judges’ Picks

Voima Oy – The Color of Water

Comments from AJ: I liked this for the mood it created more than anything. I could see the cold forest. Feel the presence of something supernatural. There was definitely a spirit there. And it wasn’t Jameson’s!

The Color of Water
103 words

Between the blades of grass, the color of water. This is the pathway, this is the door. The trees creak, or is it just the sound of the wind passing? The trees shake their shaggy heads.

It is not wise to come here. It is said, that there is no way out of this forest. The sunlight seems inviting enough, but there is no warmth in this light. It is cold and relentless illumination, a light without shadows.

There is a spirit who lives here, among the foxes and water birds. Her eyes flash green. The door closes, and only the wind remains.

Stephanie Ellis – Summoned

Comments from KM: This was a super close call for me. In the end, I gave the nod to Steph for her beautiful imagery an lovely language. Gorgeous and haunting – quite appropriate for the subject matter!


102 words
Elements: ghost, forest, poem


Silver slivers of moonlight
Slice through naked branches
Seeking out shades and shadows
A spotlight on the world beyond
Where death does not dwell in darkness
But returns to display itself
In the shape of an unquiet soul

A spirit unseen, unheard, except
By screech owl and demon bat
Whose eyes follow the intruder
With curiosity, knowing
The veil has been pierced
And they are in the company
Of what lies beyond

In turn, the wind whispers
Its own welcome
And the shade pauses
Appears to listen
Before drifting on
Towards another voice
That has been calling

And calling

… and calling

Congratulations! Each of you will receive:

  • A winner’s badge on the site
  • An invitation for inclusion in the anthology (with a note that your story was selected as a winner)
  • A Kindle copy of Celtic Fairy Tales. If you already have the book or don’t have a Kindle, etc., you are free to choose another book of similar value or donate the cost of the book to World Reader, The Book Bus, or another literacy-related charity. Please contact me with the country you live in and the e-mail address you’d like me to send the Kindle book to.

Additionally, you are each invited to judge the next round of Microcosms. Please let me know if you are interested!

RESULTS - Microcosms 13
RESULTS - Microcosms 11

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