RESULTS – Microcosms 75

Thanks to each and every one of you who entered Round 75. We had 11 entries this week (plus a very late, just-for-fun entry from yours truly). Please keep returning to Microcosms, and retweet / spread the word about this contest among your followers and friends. Don’t forget […]

RESULTS – Microcosms 53

Thank you to everyone who made a resolution to submit a story to Microcosms 53. We’ve had 13 entries so far this year – not bad after the holiday hiatus. Nice to see one or two old faces returning to the fray. Please keep returning to Microcosms, and retweet / spread the word […]

RESULTS – Microcosms 43

Thank you to all who dressed in black corset, suspenders and stockings, and 6 inch heels, and wrote a Rocky Horror story for Microcosms 43… (Oh… only me then?) Another increase in the number of entries – we must be doing something right! Please keep returning to […]

RESULTS – Microcosms 42

Thank you to all who crossed over with a story for Microcosms 42. A goodly number of entries – you can be guest host again, Alva! Please keep returning to Microcosms, and retweet / spread the word about this contest among your followers and friends. Don’t forget […]