Again, my apologies for the delays. I know how difficult it is to wait. My life has been utter chaos, lately. But your awesomeness makes the contest worthwhile. Please, continue writing. Never stop. Things should slow down a bit for the next couple of weeks, […]
Tag: Geoff Holme
RESULTS – Microcosms 18
I’m really, really sorry about the delay, guys. It’s been one heck of a week. Wow, you guys are insanely clever and talented. SO difficult to choose this week. I know I left out some worthy ones, but I’ve had a rough week. So, please […]
RESULTS – Microcosms 17
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate your contributions to another great week. Thank you all so much! And a HUGE thanks to this week’s judges, AV Laidlaw and Steph Ellis. Here’s what AV had to say: This is ground control… I was at […]
Microcosms 14
Hey, flashers! Er… flash fictioners. 🙂 This week’s contest is brought to you by Steph Ellis, who decided to take the contest in a slightly different direction this week. Enjoy! Language is a wonderful thing and the English language in particular is a bizarre beast […]
RESULTS – Microcosms 13
As usual, a strong crop of stories this week! Here’s what Bill had to say about things: Here we go again. For reasons totally beyond my ken, I am judging the work of my betters. Actually, I believe I am an excellent candidate to be […]
RESULTS – Microcosms 9
Sooo many great entries this week. You guys are awesome. And I know how difficult the initial prompt was! As always, there is never enough room on the podium. 🙁 A HUGE thanks to Dana Faletti for helping me judge this week. Here’s what she […]
RESULTS – Microcosms 8
Wow, you guys are amazing. A HUGE thanks to this week’s judges, Bill Engleson and Sal Page. Here’s what Bill had to say. I am, by nature, an observer. Not a natural judge. It is likely that I am also a little too self-effacing, self-deprecating […]